Volume 7 Issue 4, 2019

A scholarly, open access, peer-reviewed journal that focuses on theories, methods, and applications in all areas of engineering, pharmacy, humanities, and business management

1.TITLE:- Effect of different water flow gap distance in thermal performance of solar photovoltaic panel

AUTHOR:- Anand Kumar, Mr.Tejkaran Naroliya, Dr. Vinay Kumar Yadav

UNIVERSITY:- Rabindranath Tagore University, Raisen, India

PAGE NO:- 1-5

DOI:- 10.1018/IJCEE.2019.7.4.089

2.TITLE:- Comparative Analysis Of Modified SHE-PSO PWM AND LS-PWM Techniques

AUTHOR:- V. Ramu, Dr. G.N. Srinivas

UNIVERSITY:- Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad, Hyderabad

AUTHOR:- Dr. P. Satish Kumar

UNIVERSITY:- University College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad

PAGE NO:- 6-16

DOI:- 10.1018/IJCEE.2019.7.4.090

3.TITLE:- Review on Immunotherapy-development of an alternative cancer treatment

AUTHOR:- G V Harini

COLLEGE:- St. Martin’s Engineering College, Dhulapally(V), Kompally, Secunderabad, Telangana, India

PAGE NO:- 17-23

DOI:- 10.1018/IJCEE.2019.7.4.091

4.TITLE:- A Review on Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and Their Applications

AUTHOR:- G.Sangeetha

COLLEGE:- St. Martin’s Engineering College, Dhulapally(V), Kompally, Secunderabad, Telangana, India

PAGE NO:- 24-30

DOI:- 10.1018/IJCEE.2019.7.4.092

5.TITLE:- A Note On sg* Continuous Mappings In Soft Topological Spaces

AUTHOR:- V. Ramya, R. Asokan

UNIVERSITY:- Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India

PAGE NO:- 30-39

DOI:- 10.1018/IJCEE.2019.7.4.093

Multidisciplinary researches and articles of Science, Medical Science, Technology, Engineering, Management, Life Sciences, Medicine, Pharmacy, Veterinary, Journalism, Media Studies, Education, Mathematics, Marketing, Human Resource, Finance, Commerce, Business Studies, Social Sciences, Economics, Humanities, Library Science and many more are published here. Also, conference proceedings, thesis, projects and dissertations of the entire defined fields are published here.