Volume 11 Issue 6 2023

A scholarly, open access, peer-reviewed journal that focuses on theories, methods, and applications in all areas of engineering, pharmacy, humanities, and business management

1.TITLE:- An Irreversible Transition towards Cross-layering in Mobile Ad-hoc Network for multimedia transmission

AUTHOR:- Thangavel. P, Mohanasundaram. S

UNIVERSITY:- Institute of Road and Transport Technology Erode, Tamilnadu, India

PAGE NO:- 1-9

DOI:- 10.1018/IJCEE.2023.11.6.357

2.TITLE:- Annotating Search Results on Web Database: A Recap

AUTHOR:- Malothu Raj Kumar, Dr. S. Jayanthi

COLLEGE:- Samskruti College of Engineering and Technology Kondapur, Ghatkesar, Hyderabad

PAGE NO:- 10-14

DOI:- 10.1018/IJCEE.2023.11.6.358

3.TITLE:- An Outlier Detection using K-median Clustering Algorithm

AUTHOR:- B.Angelin, Dr.D.Devakumari

COLLEGE:- Government Arts College (Autonomous), Coimbatore

PAGE NO:- 15-18

DOI:- 10.1018/IJCEE.2023.11.6.359

4.TITLE:- A Novel Anatomy Approach For Document Summarization

AUTHOR:- Shahnaz Khadeeja M., Afsar P.

COLLEGE:- M.E.A. Engineering College Perinthalmanna, Kerala

PAGE NO:- 19-24

DOI:- 10.1018/IJCEE.2023.11.6.360

5.TITLE:- A Novel Approach For Person Re-identification Using Background Substraction And Sift Features

AUTHOR:- Sainaba.k.shahul, Jobi Jose

COLLEGE:- Ilahia College of Engg, Ernakulam,Kerala

PAGE NO:- 25-29

DOI:- 10.1018/IJCEE.2023.11.6.361

6.TITLE:- A Novel Integrated Buck-Buckboost High Stepdown Power Factor Correction Converter For Low Voltage Applications

AUTHOR:- Minu Amala Susan, Arun Sebastian

COLLEGE:- Saintgits college of Engineering, Kottayam , India

PAGE NO:- 30-35

DOI:- 10.1018/IJCEE.2023.11.6.362

7.TITLE:- An Overview of Cloud Solution Application in Education Process

AUTHOR:- Adamu.A

UNIVERSITY:- Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Katsina


UNIVERSITY:- Federal University Lokoja, Kogi State

PAGE NO:- 36-47

DOI:- 10.1018/IJCEE.2023.11.6.363

8.TITLE:- Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Land Use/Land Covers Mapping in Allahabad District

AUTHOR:- Richa Chaturvedi

UNIVERSITY:- IGNTU, Amarkantak, M.P.

PAGE NO:- 48-56

DOI:- 10.1018/IJCEE.2023.11.6.364

9.TITLE:- Application of Static Synchronous Series Compensator(SSSC) for stability enhancement of a Multimachine Power System

AUTHOR:- Neethu Muraleedharan, Smitha S D

COLLEGE:- Saintgits college of Engineering, Kottayam

PAGE NO:- 57-62

DOI:- 10.1018/IJCEE.2023.11.6.365

10.TITLE:- Behavior of Concrete by Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate With Recycled Plastic Granules

AUTHOR:- Er. Sundeep Behera, Er. Arasmita Dash, Er. Deepak Ranjan Mohapatra

COLLEGE:- Ganesh Institute Of Engineering & Technology

PAGE NO:- 63-67

DOI:- 10.1018/IJCEE.2023.11.6.366

Multidisciplinary researches and articles of Science, Medical Science, Technology, Engineering, Management, Life Sciences, Medicine, Pharmacy, Veterinary, Journalism, Media Studies, Education, Mathematics, Marketing, Human Resource, Finance, Commerce, Business Studies, Social Sciences, Economics, Humanities, Library Science and many more are published here. Also, conference proceedings, thesis, projects and dissertations of the entire defined fields are published here.