Volume 8 Issue 11, 2020

A scholarly, open access, peer-reviewed journal that focuses on theories, methods, and applications in all areas of engineering, pharmacy, humanities, and business management

1.TITLE:- Comparative Study On Collapse Resistance Of Rc Building Structure Having Plan Irregularity

AUTHOR:- Bhavik Pate

UNIVERSITY:- Gujarat Technological University

AUTHOR:- Dr. Bharat. J. Shah

UNIVERSITY:- Shamlaji Road, Aravali District, Modasa, Gujarat

PAGE NO:- 1-5

DOI:- 10.1018/IJCEE.2020.8.11.154

2.TITLE:- Experimental Analysis of Effect of Lateral Friction on Horizontal Curve for Highways

AUTHOR:- Dipika Gupta, Dr. P.J. Gundaliya

UNIVERSITY:- Gujarat Technological University

PAGE NO:- 6-15

DOI:- 10.1018/IJCEE.2020.8.11.155

3.TITLE:- Impact Of Social Media On Academic Performance Of Students: A Study Of Students With Reference To Dehradun City

AUTHOR:- Mr. Naveen Bhardwaj

UNIVERSITY:- Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand

AUTHOR:- Prof. (Dr.) Vasudha Sharma

UNIVERSITY:- Vidya School of Management, Meerut, UP

AUTHOR:- Dr. Neeraj Karan Singh

UNIVERSITY:- Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut, UP

PAGE NO:- 16-29

DOI:- 10.1018/IJCEE.2020.8.11.156

4.TITLE:- Effect of Cerium substitution on the structural and optical properties of Co-Mg mixed nano ferrites by citrate gel auto combustion method

AUTHOR:- Shyamsunder Goud, N. Venkatesh, D.Ravikumar, Boda Mahipal, P.Veera Somaiah

UNIVERSITY:- Osmania University, Hydarabad, Telangana, India

PAGE NO:- 30-43

DOI:- 10.1018/IJCEE.2020.8.11.157

Multidisciplinary researches and articles of Science, Medical Science, Technology, Engineering, Management, Life Sciences, Medicine, Pharmacy, Veterinary, Journalism, Media Studies, Education, Mathematics, Marketing, Human Resource, Finance, Commerce, Business Studies, Social Sciences, Economics, Humanities, Library Science and many more are published here. Also, conference proceedings, thesis, projects and dissertations of the entire defined fields are published here.