Volume 8 Issue 5, 2020

A scholarly, open access, peer-reviewed journal that focuses on theories, methods, and applications in all areas of engineering, pharmacy, humanities, and business management

1.TITLE:- Conversion of a Conventional Lathe Machine into a “Semi Automatic CNC Machine”

AUTHOR:- Himanshu Krishnani, Nandish Thakkar, Harsh Panchal, Prof. Darshan Bhatt

UNIVERSITY:- Indus University, Rancharda, Ahmedabad

PAGE NO:- 1-7

DOI:- 10.1018/IJCEE.2020.8.5.126

2.TITLE:- Classification and Extraction of Wetland Features Using Geoinformatics

AUTHOR:- Neelam Dalal, Jayshree Pandor, Dr. M. B. Dholakia, Dr. Indra Prakash

UNIVERSITY:- BISAG, Gandhinagar; International Freelance Researcher, India

PAGE NO:- 8-19

DOI:- 10.1018/IJCEE.2020.8.5.127

3.TITLE:- Implementation of Financial Technology in India and its Challenges

AUTHOR:- Nitish Nayyar

COLLEGE:- G.G.D.S.D. College, Hariana (Hoshiarpur)

PAGE NO:- 20-25

DOI:- 10.1018/IJCEE.2020.8.5.128

4.TITLE:- Utilization of Plastic Wastes in Road Construction

AUTHOR:- Satyabhan Singh, Prof.B.P Mudgal, Ms.Anuradha Sharma

COLLEGE:- IPS College of Technology and Management, Gwalior, M.P.

PAGE NO:- 26-31

DOI:- 10.1018/IJCEE.2020.8.5.129

5.TITLE:- Chemical Characterization and Physico Chemical Properties of Cashew nut (AnacardiumOccidentale) Oil and Cashew nut Shell Liquid

AUTHOR:- R. Govindaraju

COLLEGE:- Govt. Polytechnic College, Kelamangalam, Tamil Nadu

AUTHOR:- G. Ramasamy

COLLEGE:- Government Thirumagal Mills College, Gudiyattam. Tamil Nadu

PAGE NO:- 32-43

DOI:- 10.1018/IJCEE.2020.8.5.130

6.TITLE:- Experimental Inestigation On Physico-chemical Properties Of Some Binary And Ternary Liquid Mixtures

AUTHOR:- Jeet Pal Singh, Arvind Kumar

COLLEGE:- Narain (P.G)College Shikohabad, Uttar Pradesh, India

PAGE NO:- 44-59

DOI:- 10.1018/IJCEE.2020.8.5.131

Multidisciplinary researches and articles of Science, Medical Science, Technology, Engineering, Management, Life Sciences, Medicine, Pharmacy, Veterinary, Journalism, Media Studies, Education, Mathematics, Marketing, Human Resource, Finance, Commerce, Business Studies, Social Sciences, Economics, Humanities, Library Science and many more are published here. Also, conference proceedings, thesis, projects and dissertations of the entire defined fields are published here.