Volume 3 Issue 3, 2015

A scholarly, open access, peer-reviewed journal that focuses on theories, methods, and applications in all areas of engineering, pharmacy, humanities, and business management

1.TITLE:- Biodegradable Waste Treatment With Additive Based Composting : A Review

AUTHOR:- Prathamesh Gurme, Dr. R. P. Borkar

COLLEGE:- Government College of Engineering, Amravati, Maharashtra

PAGE NO:- 1-13

DOI:- 10.1018/IJCEE.2015.3.3.034

2.TITLE:- Optimal capacitor placement in distribution systems for power loss reduction and voltage profile improvement using Modified Cuckoo Search algorithm

AUTHOR:- Gurpreet Kaur, Shivani Sehgal Mehta, Dr. Chintu Rza


PAGE NO:- 14-23

DOI:- 10.1018/IJCEE.2015.3.3.035

3.TITLE:- Experimental Study On Durability Strengthening Of Concrete By Using Industry Metal Slag Waste Partially Replacement Of Fine Aggregate

AUTHOR:- B. Antony Pradeep, Prof. R. Devi

UNIVERSITY:- Prist Deemed University, Vallam, Thanjavur

PAGE NO:- 24-33

DOI:- 10.1018/IJCEE.2015.3.3.036

4.TITLE:- Experimental Investigation On Concrete By Using Partial And Full Replacement Of Waste Broken Glass As Course Aggregate

AUTHOR:- R. Manikandan, Prof. A. Belciyamary

UNIVERSITY:- Prist Deemed University, Vallam, Thanjavur

PAGE NO:- 34-46

DOI:- 10.1018/IJCEE.2015.3.3.037

Multidisciplinary researches and articles of Science, Medical Science, Technology, Engineering, Management, Life Sciences, Medicine, Pharmacy, Veterinary, Journalism, Media Studies, Education, Mathematics, Marketing, Human Resource, Finance, Commerce, Business Studies, Social Sciences, Economics, Humanities, Library Science and many more are published here. Also, conference proceedings, thesis, projects and dissertations of the entire defined fields are published here.